Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

#25 - I Did Know Two Cecilys And Now I Just Know I'm An Idiot (Featuring Dsalina, Salena Metreger, Andrew Gossett, and Jamie Toon)

Surprising hits and misses through this week's game, as Jay (and Bandit) spend some time with: 

Putting The "D" In Salena: 
Dsalina - @DsalinaPlays on everything, mack_the_cutie on IG and MacksRuffReviews on YT for Dsalina's dog!
Salena Metreger - Support artists and small businesses, language is fluid!


Skirting The Storms:
Andrew Gossett - Check out TheBassoonist7513 and WhispyWoodwinds on YouTube for covers of VGM, support local and women's sports, be kind!
Jamie Toon - Check out Instagram and follow on Twitch, vote blue, stop killing marginalized people!

This week's featured Patreon supporter is Tim Dippel! Thanks for the isolation booth upgrade!

This episode sponsored by Critical Grind Board Game Cafe and Liquid Kourage Entertainment. Want to sponsor this show as well? Reach out to us!

Editing's expensive and listening to ads sucks! Help us hire an editor and get back to new episodes every week by supporting us on Patreon, where you can now hear this episode of Verboten completely ad-free! All patrons get to add an "amenity" to the isolation booth as well moving forward!

Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Bluesky!

To contact the show directly, email us at VerbotenPod@gmail.com!

Think you have the best words? Apply to appear on the show at https://ptepodcasts.com/appearance-request/! We are ALWAYS looking for new voices on this show!

Please consider leaving the show a 5 star rating and review. See you next week!

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